PhenixID have during the last 15 years helped organisations to integrate Google solutions to IAM infrastructures of various kinds. It ranges from Identity provisioning, Strong Authentication, Federation, Single Sign-On, Role & Group delegated administration and most recently massive calendar and scheduling synchronisation.
Identity centric use cases for Google
Identity Onboarding
Where are your identities located? The variations in user store setups have proven to be widespread even within organisations.
Strong authentication
PhenixID can add a wide range of multi-factor authentication methods to Google services. The setup can be tailored to cater for different security levels even with national eID’s when it is appropriate.
Single Sign-On and federation support
PhenixID provides Single Sign-On capability which can handle federative login to all Google services. Acting as a secure entry point PhenixID Identity Provider (IdP) can also provide SSO for your organisations other applications and services outside the Google domain.
Google can also act as an IdP and for these use cases PhenixID can consume a Google login to other services.
Groups and Roles
For large organisations, companies, universities, public sector, healthcare etc, administration of identities and their authorization scheme can quickly be a cumbersome task.
Thanks to PhenixID IAM suite these organisations can automate and schedule their provisioning/synchronization to fulfill their requirements efficiently.
Large scale calendar synchronization
One of the challenges to operate Google large infrastructures is to be able to have all records up to date with all organizational changes.
One of our customer within education that has a large Google presence has a PhenixID provisioning policy to handle the following:
– Synchronization of 32000 accounts from an internal user store to Google and Active Directory.
– Over 82000 lessons are synced between internal user store and Google.
– This includes about 410000 calendar bookings that are being updated every night together with 13700 groups of users and 3200 roles that are included in the provisioning/synchronization policies.